Professional Development

New Performance Management System to Streamline Evaluations Across Boston Public Schools

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Boston Public Schools is rolling out a new performance management system to handle teacher and staff evaluation across the district. District leaders selected TeachPoint's web-based Educator Evaluation Solution "to support the district's shift from a compliance-driven evaluation system to a process of collaboration, development, and continuous improvement," according to a news announcement.

TeachPoint's platform allows administrators to manage observations, evaluation documents and evidence online; customize forms, workflows and rubrics; track progress and manage compliance; and mine data to inform professional development decisions and coaching conversations. The system will be used by Boston Public Schools' 6,000 educators and administrators for teacher evaluation, as well as to manage the evaluation process for 6,100 non-instructional staff.

"We believe the tools we use to foster continuous improvement should enhance coaching and feedback, rather than reduce it to an exercise in compliance-driven documentation," said Jerome Doherty, director of evaluation and performance management for Boston Public Schools, in a statement. "Supervisors should connect employees with ease to resources and supports using these tools. Employees, likewise, should be full participants in their own growth and development, and have access to deeper professional learning opportunities through the use of such tools. We selected TeachPoint as our performance management platform because it will streamline our evaluation process across the organization and support, rather than hinder, the processes of planning, goal-setting, supervision, feedback, communication, adjustment, evaluation and data-based decision-making."

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].
