Library Software Is Cross-Platform

Library Pro Version 2.0 integrates both cross-platform functionality and Internet access, plus other new features, to become one of the most comprehensive and flexible school library management products available.

LibraryNet, for example, is a new feature that lets teachers, students or parents search a library collection over the Internet from home or classroom using any Web browser.

Multi-Media Documents, also new, enables librarians and media specialists to incorporate Internet content, electronic documents and multimedia materials into a schoolís library collection.

In addition to this extended functionality, Library Pro 2.0 eliminates the need to choose one type of computer or server over another; one can run the software on virtually any mix of computer and network operating systems.

The software is available in four different configurations, which are expandable. Modules are available for patron management, report generation, catalog, circulation, serial control, acquisitions, import/export, union catalog, OPAC, multimedia documents, cross-platform, and Internet access. Chancery Software Ltd., Burnaby, BC, Canada, (800) 999-9931, WM

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