Assistive Technology in Education

Boston and Massachusetts Go All In with Free College Program for Pell Students

The city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts have expanded their respective free college programs and teamed up to encourage eligible students to take advantage of the "bridge" they want to build between high school and college completion.

Microsoft Project Develops Physical Programming Language for Blind Students

A Microsoft project called "Project Torino" will teach blind students from seven to 11 years-old how to program and apply design thinking to projects.

Steve Hargadon Wants Tech — and Individuals — to Revolutionize Education

Steve Hargadon wants a revolution in education. He is the founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, a social networking website for educators, as well as a vehicle for online and in-person educational conferences. During the ISTE conference in San Antonio, TX, Hargadon will present at three sessions.

Playbook Shows How to Redesign K–12 Schools for 21st Century Learning

Burnett Middle School of San Jose, CA increased its state Academic Performance Index from 654 in 2009 to 740 by 2014, blowing away the growth rates of similar schools.

DC Voucher Program Study Shows Mixed Results

To find out the impact of federal "voucher" programs that enable children from families with low income to attend private schools, one needs to look no further than Washington, D.C., itself. The District of Columbia Opportunity Scholarship Program was set up by Congress in 2004 to issue scholarships to students through a lottery process, not unlike what's being proposed by the current administration but on a much smaller scale.

Black and Latino Parents: Poor Communities Have Poorer Schools

Nearly three-quarters of African American parents and families (74 percent) believe that the education black children get isn't as good as the one that white students get. The results came out of this year's "New Education Majority Poll," a survey run by the Leadership Conference Education Fund.

Equity Through Access: 21st Century Learning & the Necessity of 1-to-1

It is essential for all K–12 students to be provided with a district purchased personal device in order to meet the demands of 21st century competencies for everywhere, all-the-time learning as framed in the Partnership for 21st Century Learning.

Designing Your Online Course: Learning From an Expert

Christine Voelker teaches other teachers how to build their own online courses. She’s the K–12 program director for Quality Matters, a nonprofit educational organization based in Annapolis, MD. She'll be presenting an all-day workshop at ISTE Sunday, June 25.

Microsoft Boosts OneNote Accessibility, Offers Free Accessibility Training Course for Educators

Microsoft has unveiled new accessibility features for OneNote, the company's collaborative note-taking app for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.

Blackboard Unveils Accessibility Tool

Blackboard is releasing an accessibility tool that it plans to make available for all major learning management systems.
