COVID-19 Coverage for Education and Technology

The Critical Role of Data in K–12 COVID Recovery

As K–12 schools work to recover from widespread learning loss resulting from pandemic disruptions, implementing the tools, policies, and practices necessary to capture and leverage actionable data will be critical; here's how to identify, measure, and act on student and school data to maximize efforts at closing the learning gap.

New EduRecoveryHub Site Showcases Best Practices in K–12 COVID Recovery Spending

A new website,, launched today showcases emerging best practices in how K–12 school districts are using federal pandemic recovery education funds, along with expert analysis from varying perspectives on what makes each effort stand out.

New UNICEF Report: Scale of Education Loss During Pandemic 'Nearly Insurmountable"

Marking the International Day of Education on Monday, Jan. 24, UNICEF today released a new report illustrating the “nearly insurmountable” impact of COVID-19 disruptions on children’s learning around the globe, with "younger and more marginalized children facing the greatest loss,” UNICEF said.

While Parents Say Kids Are Doing OK in School, Teachers Not So Convinced

As parents and schools do battle over masking practices, in-class discussions on racial inequity and the appropriate time and place for remote schooling, a new report suggested that parent involvement in education is definitely here to stay.

Teacher Hiring and Pay, Summer Learning and HVAC Top Uses for ESSER III Funds

An analysis by Future-Ed found that most K-12 districts are spending at least some portion of their federal relief funding in a few categories: hiring or paying raises or bonuses to teachers and counselors; running summer learning programs; and upgrades tied to heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

How to Make the Most of SEL Tools

Social-emotional learning (SEL) remains a top priority in K–12 education. One recent survey found that teachers believe in the value of SEL for academic success and well-being, and see it as a tool that’s helpful for the transition back to in-person instruction.

National Survey Shows Mentoring More Important Than Ever for Student Success

In a new national survey of 1,418 teachers by education nonprofit Gradient Learning released Monday, an overwhelming majority of teachers said one-on-one mentoring for students is vital for student success.

13 Predictions for K–12 and Technology in 2022

THE Journal reached out to district technology and IT leaders, school leaders and teachers to find out what they expect to see in the new year.

ED to Award $5M to Organizations Working With Families and Schools to Boost Academic Recovery

The U.S. Department of Education has released the 2022 application for the Statewide Family Engagement Centers grant program, which will award $5 million in grants to organizations working with state educational agencies and schools to implement family engagement programs to help improve student achievement and pandemic recovery.

Latest NWEA Data: COVID Impact Worse for Marginalized Students, High Poverty Schools

Nonprofit K–12 research firm NWEA on Tuesday released a new study that illustrates how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted student progress — and how it has disproportionately impacted students of color and students in high-poverty schools.