Information Technology

Information, news and features for the education sector IT professionals

Making Information Security Everyone

Making Information Security Everyone's Responsibility

Intrusions into education networks have never been more rampant. And at this point, information security is the top concern among IT leaders and administration in K–12 districts. What's more, there is the distinct possibility that AI will compound the problem, while also being used to help deal with threats.

graph from 2023 SETDA State of Ed Tech Report compares respondents answers to "what are top unmet needs in your state" from 2022 and 2023

Cybersecurity, AI Policy Top List of State Ed Tech Priorities

New survey results from the State Education Technology Directors Association underscore the importance of collaboration across agencies and school districts as cybersecurity and AI pose the biggest unmet challenges for public education.

image says K12 Education Technology Secure by Design Pledge

CISA Launches Secure by Design Pledge with 6 Ed Tech Vendors

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has launched a voluntary pledge for K–12 education technology software makers to “commit to designing products with greater security built in,” the agency said in a news release.

Creating Ed Tech Stickiness: 10 Tips for Success

"Ed tech whiplash," or the constant addition and removal of tech solutions in schools, is a real issue and has been negatively impacting teachers and students for years. During the 2022–23 school year alone, K–12 school districts accessed, on average, 2,591 different ed tech tools. As a former director of technology in public education, I saw educators struggle to keep up with the always-growing list of ed tech tools being implemented in their schools. And I also saw teachers become heavily invested in solutions that improved efficiency and efficacy in their classrooms, only for the solution to be removed within a short time due to a lack of "ROI." This type of back and forth is not only frustrating for teachers, but it leaves students with a lack of consistency in their learning environment.

SchoolStatus Acquiring ClassTag, Will Integrate Its Mobile App, Newsletter, and Automation Tech

K–12 data and communications software provider SchoolStatus has acquired ClassTag, a unified family communication and engagement platform for educators, schools, and districts, according to a news release.

$375M Added to State, Local Cyber Grant Program, Deadline to Apply is Oct. 6

The Department of Homeland Security has added $374.9 million in grant funding to the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, which is entering its second year, the agency said in a news release.

image shows cover of a new brief from CISA titled K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Defensible and Resilient

New Public, Private Help for K–12 Cyber Defense Efforts Announced at White House Summit

The Biden-Harris administration has unveiled new public sector efforts and private sector commitments to bolstering cyber defenses across the nation’s public schools, including a new Government Coordinating Council within the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate formal collaboration between “every level of government and the education sector.”

Chromebooks See Minor Contraction as Tablets Continue Plunge

Four of the top-5 tablet makers saw double-digit declines in shipments in the second quarter of 2023 — including Apple — according to recently released preliminary market data. Meanwhile Chromebooks declined only slightly in the quarter, with the top-2 companies seeing positive gains.

chart shows survey responses from K-12 teachers and parents about how aware they are of their school safety preparedness

New Report Reveals Parents' and Teachers' Critical Perspective on School Safety

A new report from Motorola Solutions reveals parents’ and teachers’ top concerns and how much they know about and are confident in their schools’ safety planning and emergency response preparation.

Pie chart and bar graph shows the tech consent practices in U.S. K-12 schools revealing most schools do not get consent from parents for ed tech their kids use

Majority of School Apps Advertising to Kids Even In SOPIPA States, ISL Data Shows

A new in-depth analysis from Internet Safety Labs’ 2022 K–12 EdTech Safety Benchmark Findings reveals alarming data about advertising in apps widely used by schools and finds that state privacy laws and third-party certifications claiming to keep students’ data private are often not making kids any safer.