Research & Forecasts

Teacher Burnout Top Concern Among Fellow Educators

A national survey found that the majority of educators (71%) are worried about teacher burnout during the 2022-2023 school year, even though most (66%) are optimistic about the new year.

Research: Administrators Grapple with Morale; Teachers More Open to Student Autonomy

Project Tomorrow presented findings from its latest SpeakUp Survey in a briefing to Congress today. SpeakUp is the largest research project focusing on education technology, averaging well over 300,000 participants each year since its launch. The latest research captured changes in attitudes and priorities from administrators, teachers, and students.

New Data: Nearly Half of Schools Providing Home Internet Access to Students Who Need It This School Year

Survey results released today by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics shows that as of the start of the 2022–23 school year, almost half of K–12 public schools reported providing internet access to students who need it at their homes, and almost three quarters are providing training on digital literacy for their students.

Illinois Tutoring Initiative to Scale Statewide In Partnership with Pearl

Tutoring platform Pearl today announced that its partnership with the 1-year-old Illinois Tutoring Initiative will expand statewide to all districts meeting the eligibility requirements, thanks to leadership from Illinois State University and federal pandemic relief funds.

NCTM Seeks Math Teachers for Classroom Research Grants Application Deadline is Nov. 1

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is seeking PreK–12 math educators and classroom teachers who teach math for its Classroom Research Grant program, open to applicants through November 1, 2022.

Current School-Year Survey Assesses Teaching and Curriculum Choices in Light of Pandemic

A survey of 1,015 teachers and 343 preK–12 administrators across the U.S. asked how the pandemic had affected their teaching and curriculum choices, especially between the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years.

Report: Top State Education Priorities Lack the Resources They Require

A new report shines a stark light on the state of education technology in the United States. Among the findings: There's inadequate funding for information security and ineffective use of technology tools in schools, at least from the perspective of state education leaders, according to a new report issued today by the State Educational Technology Director's Association (SETDA) in collaboration with Whiteboard Advisors.

Nationwide Initiative Offers Stipends for Math Teachers' Input to Build Evidence Database on Teaching Tools

A new project by two education nonprofits will pay thousands of teachers to document and share their experiences in selecting and using digital math tools — and that data will be available immediately to help math educators choose the best ed tech tools for their needs and more effectively implement and use those tools.

NWEA Study: Students Who Used MAP Accelerator 30 Minutes per Week Achieved Big Gains in Math

In a massive study conducted during the 2020–21 school year, education researchers at NWEA found that students using MAP Accelerator personalized math instruction for at least 30 minutes a week achieved surprisingly big gains across all grades and all demographic categories, according to the study results released today.

Nonprofit Groups Say ED Must Address Inequitable Harms of Student Online Activity Monitoring

In an open letter this week to U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon, 15 education, technology, and civil rights nonprofits called for the department to put schools and online activity monitoring providers on notice that such monitoring must not result in discrimination or violation of students’ civil rights and liberties.
