Technical Graphics & Analysis SW Debuts

Origin, a technical graphics and data analysis package for Windows, is now more powerful with the release of Origin Professional. Origin features many graph types including new ternary chart and bubble plots, as well as line, scatter, area, bar, pie, polar, vector and statistical charts. Analytical features include smoothing, regression, and ANOVA, baseline and peak analysis, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) that facilitates digital signal processing (DSP), and a powerful nonlinear curve fitter. Origin Professional expands on the original release by providing a graphical palette of tools to construct custom user interfaces; giving the capability to import custom ASCII/binary files from instruments; and supporting DLL and DDE. A full-working downloadable demo can be found on the firm's Web site, or snail-mailed by contacting [email protected]. Microcal Software, Inc., Northampton, MA, (800) 969-7720,
