California District Leases Mobile Learning Centers
The Castaic Union School District in California has acquired multimedia learning centers -- known as EXPODs -- on a lease/purchase basis. Superintendent Alan K. Nishino said the EXPOD program allows the district to introduce new technologies without budgeting for major capital expenditures.
An EXPOD is a fully equipped, completely wired 1,500 square foot studio that accommodates 30 to 35 students. It functions as a fileserver for the entire school, with enough computing power for both instructional and administrative functions. The turnkey centers come with courseware in science, health, social science, English, reading and math.
The audio-visual products for EXPOD are provided by Minnesota Western, which offers LCD and CRT projectors, LCD panels, remote controls, digital cameras, VCRs, videodisc players, camcorders, monitors, visual presenters, CD-ROMs, cassette players and more. Educators may request a "Questions and Answers" booklet from EXPOD by calling (800) 444-9350. Minnesota Western, Berkeley, CA, (800) 999-8590.
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This article originally appeared in the 08/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.