Web Site Features Winning Lesson Plans
The National Science Teachers Association has launched a new Web-based resource to help educators incorporate increasingly popular laptop computers into K-12 science, math and technology instruction. The Laptop Learning Challenge site presents the 20 winning results of a nationwide contest inviting teachers and educators from schools, nature centers, museums, zoos, and science centers to submit lesson plans demonstrating how laptop computers can be used to engage students in hands-on learning of science and mathematics. Five lessons were selected from each of the four judging categories: Elementary Level, Middle Level, High School Level and Informal Science (grades K-12). Judges selected lessons that were innovative, student-centered, and consistent with national and local standards or frameworks.
In addition to the winning lesson plans, the site includes tips for teaching with laptops, and suggests ways educators can use laptop learning methods in teacher training programs. The top 20 lesson plans are also available on CD-ROM for $8.00 plus shipping and handling. National Science Teachers Association, Arlington, VA, (800) 722-NSTA, www.nsta.org/programs/laptop.htm.