NEW RELEASES - Garmin's eMap

eMap from GARMIN International is a handheld electronic map/global positioning system (GPS) the size of a flat calculator. The unit is a 12 parallel channel GPS receiver that features an internal basemap containing information on North and South America including state and country boundaries, lakes, rivers, streams, airports, cities, towns and coastlines, as well as U.S., state and interstate highways. In addition, the unit provides exit information for the federal interstate highway system, including information about services such as food, lodging, and service stations. A traceback feature quickly navigates your way home.
An added feature allows users to download additional cartography, including databases of address and telephone number information for nearby services or points of interest. The eMap is compatible with GARMINs complete line of MapSource CD-ROMs, and will store eight or 16 megabytes of downloaded CD-ROM information at a time (an additional cable and cartridge are required for this feature). Two AA batteries provide up to 14 hours of power.
The eMap would be right at home in a geography or earth science classroom, letting instructors demonstrate advanced concepts using a high-tech, affordable GPS unit. GARMIN International, Olathe, Kan., (913) 397-8200,