Online PD: The Teachers Talk Back


  • More than half of teachers surveyed cited scheduling as a primary benefit of participating in online professional development offerings.
  • One out of five respondents said affordability was a primary benefit of online PD.
  • Along with providing them with online courses, teachers want administrators to use technology to create opportunities for collaboration with other teachers.

Drill Downof teachers report having enrolled in an online professional development course; 13 percent have researched taking an online class.

What are the primary benefits of participating in online professional development? (Multiple answers allowed.)
Drill Down

How would you like your school or district to use technology to create professional learning communities? (Multiple answers allowed.)
Drill Down

Drill Down--Data courtesy of Speak Up 2008. Speak Up is an annual national research project that surveys K-12 students, teachers, parents, and administrators. Speak Up is produced by Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit organization providing leadership, research, and programming to support science, math, and technology education in America’s schools.
