Administrative Tools | News

Netchemia Launches Web-Based Performance Evaluation System for Ed

Netchemia has released TalentEd Perform, a Web-based software platform aimed at helping school administrators with management of performance evaluations as well as compliance with legal regulations and national education mandates related to personnel. The product also includes a number of automation features geared toward reducing costs, paperwork, and time factors in the evaluation process.

TalentEd Perform features modules for customized personal improvement plans, standards management, employee-accessible feedback, performance tracking reports, and supervisor dashboards for centrally located review of scheduling and employee information. Automation features include online evaluation and peer assessment form completion with scheduled reminders and forwarding provided by the system, and configurable rules-based compliance with disciplinary and dismissal procedures.

Netchemia said the new release addresses a need for compliance with recent and upcoming federal K-12 education reform mandates. "Policy changes at the federal and state levels, including Race to the Top, are forcing districts to examine and reform their performance evaluation processes," said Carlos Antequera, CEO of Netchemia. "It was designed from the ground up to meet the specific HR needs of school districts of all sizes."

Further information can be found here.

About the Author

Evan Tassistro is a freelance writer based in San Diego, CA.
