Artificial Intelligence for Grades 1–3

Free Curriculum Designed to Help Young Students Understand AI

KinderLab Robotics has released a new, free curriculum for grades 1–3 designed to help them understand "how AI tools work and think critically about how these tools can improve lives in their communities."

The curriculum, Thinking with KIBO: Introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Early Grades, is aligned with AI4K12 guidelines and provides lessons designed for use with KinderLabs' KIBO robots. It's designed to work either as a five- to six-week unit in computer science or as a supplement for afterschool programs, makerspaces, libraries, etc. There are five total lessons. The first four are one hour each. The last on can run one to two hours.

"We can make advanced and abstract ideas like AI accessible to young kids when we stick with what works in early childhood: hands-on experience with physical manipulatives and playful opportunities for self-directed knowledge construction," said Jason Innes, director of curriculum, training, and product management at KinderLab Robotics, in a prepared statement. "KIBO provides a research-proven method to explore computer science, engineering, and now AI concepts in early childhood STEM education."

According to the company, the curriculum focuses on how AI works, rather than other issues surrounding AI. Focal points include:

  • How AI is made (demystifying AI);

  • Inputs and rules (how AI makes decisions);

  • The differences between how AI works and how living beings think; and

  • How AI can help with solving problems.

The new curriculum is available for free download here.

About the Author

David Nagel is the former editorial director of 1105 Media's Education Group and editor-in-chief of THE Journal, STEAM Universe, and Spaces4Learning. A 30-year publishing veteran, Nagel has led or contributed to dozens of technology, art, marketing, media, and business publications.

He can be reached at [email protected]. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn at .
