MathSoft Announces StudyWorks Grants

MathSoft honored the first winners in its StudyWorks Innovative Teaching Grant Program, for educators who proposed methods to integrate the firmís StudyWorks package into their curriculum. The winnersí schools received a 25-seat StudyWorks lab license, extra copies for the media center and support from MathSoft specialists.

Designed for high school and college courses, StudyWorks displays equations, calculations, graphs and text on a "live" computer worksheet. A built-in Web link to MathSoftís Interactive Collaboratory allows users at different sites to work together.

MathSoft is currently accepting applications for the next phase of the grant awards. Proposals can be e-mailed to [email protected]; they will be reviewed on a continual basis. MathSoft, Cambridge, MA, (800) 628-4223,

Write 213 on Inquiry Card

This article originally appeared in the 09/01/1997 issue of THE Journal.
